Your space deserves more than just a beautiful design. That's why we adopt a creative and strategic approach to every project, guaranteeing that your space isn't just visually stunning but also functional and unforgettable.

Our methodology intertwines research, strategy, and design proficiency to craft an interior that stands out and deeply connects with its occupants. Every step of the way, our team collaborates with you, starting from the initial ideation to the final reveal, to ensure that your space authentically embodies your values, aspirations, and distinctive narrative.

Designing your dream spaces

At Airi Studio, our journey begins with a magical Discovery phase. Picture us sitting in a cozy nook, sipping on creativity-infused tea, and diving deep into your wildest design dreams. We'll chat about your space, your aspirations, and your favorite vibes, capturing every bit of inspiration to tailor a design that’s as unique as you are. We're here to decode your style story and sketch out the map for your design adventure.

Discovery & Consultation: Unveiling Your Design Adventure!

Based on our initial consultation, we'll create a detailed design plan that includes layout options, color schemes, furniture selections, lighting, and accessories. We'll present this plan to you and work with you to refine it until it meets your vision.

Design Development: Let the Magic Unfold!

Once you've approved the design plan, we'll move forward with procurement of materials and furniture, and coordinate with contractors and vendors to ensure that your project is completed on time and within budget.

Implementation and Execution: Making Dreams a Reality!

Our Process


“Erica has the design-eye. Thank you for helping bring my space to life."



“Erica has the design-eye. Thank you for helping bring my space to life."



“Erica has the design-eye. Thank you for helping bring my space to life."



Basic Consultation


E-Design Service

Commercial Design

creative direction

Custom Packages

let's work together ⟶

Ready for next steps? Let's CHEERS to your SUCCESS.